'Fly me to the Moon...'

Toyota se udružila s Japanskom svemirskom agencijom: Rade na posebnom električnom vozilu

Astronauti će u njemu oći putovati tisućama kilometara širokim prostranstvima Mjeseca
Toyotin rover za istraživanje Mjseca
 Profimedia, Ferrari

Toyota bi za deset godina mogla razvoziti astronaute po Mjesecu, javlja CNN Business. Taj se automobilski div udružio s Japanskom svemirskom agencijom (JAXA) kako bi proizveli električni lunarni rover kojeg planiraju poslati u svemir 2029. godine.

U vozilo će stati dvoje ljudi koji će u njemu, bez potrebe za nošenjem svemirskih odjela, moći putovati duž tisuća kilometara Mjesečeve površine. Iako je izgradnja rovera tek u konceptualnoj fazi, za sada je poznato da bi trebao biti velik otprilike kao dva minibusa.

Toyota razmatra mogućnost mjesečevog rovera od prošlog ljeta, no ovog tjedna došlo je do partnerstva s JAXA-om kako bi se realizacija projekta ubrzala, poručili su iz japanskog automobilskog diva.

Ferrari Press Agency 
Ref 10204
Moon  1 
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Toyota

Japanese car giant Toyota has announced it is teaming up with the country’s space agency to investigate creating a vehicle for exploring the Moon.And it would be capable of having a range of more than 10,000 kilometres.It would be 6 metres long, 5.2 metres high and 3.8 metres wide,  about the size of two microbuses, with an interior living space of 13 square metres.It would have a crew of two but be capable of accommodating four people in an emergency.The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , known as JAXA and Toyota plan to accelerate their ongoing joint study of a manned, pressurized rover that employs fuel cell electric vehicle technologies. It would be carried to the lunar surface by a lander already built and ready to roll.Such a form of mobility is deemed necessary for human exploration activities on the lunar surface.Even with the limited amount of energy that can be transported to the Moon, the pressurized rover would have a total lunar-surface cruising range of more than 10,000 km.JAXA envisions launching such a rover as the Toyota concept vehicle  into space in 2029.

OPS:Rendering of the propsed elecytric powered Toyota and JAXA lunar rover

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 418961469, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari
Toyotin rover za istraživanje Mjseca

- Roveri s ljudskom posadom i kabinama pod pritiskom faktor su koji će igrati važnu ulogu u detaljnom istraživanju i iskorištavanju Mjesečeve površine - poručio je predsjednik JAXA-e Hiroshi Yamakawa.

Prvi čovjek Toyote Akio Toyoda izjavio je da imaju povjerenja u uspjeh projekta zbog „izdržljivosti i vozačkih performansi” njihovih automobila, kao i zbog njihove tehnologije gorivih ćelija za napajanje električnih vozila, u kojima se električna energija dobiva iz kemijske reakcije.

Ferrari Press Agency 
Ref 10204
Moon  1 
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Toyota

Japanese car giant Toyota has announced it is teaming up with the country’s space agency to investigate creating a vehicle for exploring the Moon.And it would be capable of having a range of more than 10,000 kilometres.It would be 6 metres long, 5.2 metres high and 3.8 metres wide,  about the size of two microbuses, with an interior living space of 13 square metres.It would have a crew of two but be capable of accommodating four people in an emergency.The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , known as JAXA and Toyota plan to accelerate their ongoing joint study of a manned, pressurized rover that employs fuel cell electric vehicle technologies. It would be carried to the lunar surface by a lander already built and ready to roll.Such a form of mobility is deemed necessary for human exploration activities on the lunar surface.Even with the limited amount of energy that can be transported to the Moon, the pressurized rover would have a total lunar-surface cruising range of more than 10,000 km.JAXA envisions launching such a rover as the Toyota concept vehicle  into space in 2029.

OPS:Rendering of the propsed elecytric powered Toyota and JAXA lunar rover

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 418961477, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari
Toyotin rover za istraživanje Mjseca

Naime, vozila s gorivim ćelijama mogu putovati znatno dulje prije potrebe za punjenjem, nego što je to slučaj s vozilima na baterijske ćelije, što prema Toyoti, tu tehnologiju čini odličnom za putovanje po Mjesecu. Njihov bi rover, stoga, trebao imati doseg veći od 10.000 kilometara.

Ferrari Press Agency 
Ref 10204
Moon  1 
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Toyota

Japanese car giant Toyota has announced it is teaming up with the country’s space agency to investigate creating a vehicle for exploring the Moon.And it would be capable of having a range of more than 10,000 kilometres.It would be 6 metres long, 5.2 metres high and 3.8 metres wide,  about the size of two microbuses, with an interior living space of 13 square metres.It would have a crew of two but be capable of accommodating four people in an emergency.The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , known as JAXA and Toyota plan to accelerate their ongoing joint study of a manned, pressurized rover that employs fuel cell electric vehicle technologies. It would be carried to the lunar surface by a lander already built and ready to roll.Such a form of mobility is deemed necessary for human exploration activities on the lunar surface.Even with the limited amount of energy that can be transported to the Moon, the pressurized rover would have a total lunar-surface cruising range of more than 10,000 km.JAXA envisions launching such a rover as the Toyota concept vehicle  into space in 2029.

OPS:Rendering of the propsed elecytric powered Toyota and JAXA lunar rover

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 418961458, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari
Toyotin rover za istraživanje Mjseca

- Vjerujem da naša industrija, koja stalno razmišlja o ulozi koju moraju ispuniti, dijeli jednake aspiracije i prema međunarodnom svemirskom istraživanju - zaključio je Toyoda.

Ferrari Press Agency 
Ref 10204
Moon  1 
See Ferrari text
Pictures must credit: Toyota

Japanese car giant Toyota has announced it is teaming up with the country’s space agency to investigate creating a vehicle for exploring the Moon.And it would be capable of having a range of more than 10,000 kilometres.It would be 6 metres long, 5.2 metres high and 3.8 metres wide,  about the size of two microbuses, with an interior living space of 13 square metres.It would have a crew of two but be capable of accommodating four people in an emergency.The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency , known as JAXA and Toyota plan to accelerate their ongoing joint study of a manned, pressurized rover that employs fuel cell electric vehicle technologies. It would be carried to the lunar surface by a lander already built and ready to roll.Such a form of mobility is deemed necessary for human exploration activities on the lunar surface.Even with the limited amount of energy that can be transported to the Moon, the pressurized rover would have a total lunar-surface cruising range of more than 10,000 km.JAXA envisions launching such a rover as the Toyota concept vehicle  into space in 2029.

OPS:Rendering of the propsed elecytric powered Toyota and JAXA lunar rover. Unfurled solar panel

Picture supplied by Ferrari, Image: 418961204, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Ferrari
Profimedia, Ferrari
Toyotin rover za istraživanje Mjseca

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22. prosinac 2024 11:15